Job Description
Growth Manager position available in NY, NY. Duties Incl: Analyze mkt research data, dvlp insights, & provide actionable strategies to boost engagement, drive brand awareness & build brand equity. Dvlp & present performance dashboards to help boost consumer engagement for clients. Utilize traditional public relations tools & strategies such as writing & distributing press releases & building relationships w/ contacts working in various forms of public media. Monitor & forecast mktg impacts on growth trends. Measure the effectiveness of mktg strategies & prgms. Analyze pricing policies & strategies to allocate the right product & capacity to the right customer at the right price at the right time. Convert complex data into easily understandable tables, graphs, & written reports. Perform other similar, rltd tasks as needed. Reqmts: Must have at least a Bachelor's deg, or higher, in bus. or a rltd field, or the foreign equiv. Must have at least 6 mos prior F/T exp as a Growth Mgr, Partnership Mgr, or other similar occupation rltd to managing sales &/or mktg strategies. Salary: $90,000 - $100,000. Send resumes: Baton Market Inc., 900 Broadway, Ste 1003, NY, NY 10003.